Brought into the world in Karachi to a family hailing from Punjab, Omar Farooq, the Creative Director of Republic, procured his Bachelor's certificate from New York's Adelphi University. On his return, he chose to set out on a vocation in menswear industry.
He went to Dubai and functioned as an internee at Bespoke, a main tailor's source renowned for its best dresses and the best option of every single corporate head and prominent characters. He took in the minutest aptitudes of fitting there and furthermore got his motivation to set up his own business.
He has profound information on the fitting abilities going from how to cut, how to make examples to how to get textures from London, Italy, and so forth In 2007, he set up a plant to create suits, shirts, pants, and so on He dispatched his first lead store in Lahore in 2009 and today, he has a store in Islamabad too with aspiring tentative arrangements to grow his organization in different urban areas also.